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Monday, February 15, 2010


Personal post, continue with caution :-)

Hannah is just over 15 months old and I am still nursing her. Breastfeeding has been such a wonderful experience for me but lately it has not been so enjoyable. Every once in a while Hannah will have a day where she will bite me when I go to nurse her and continue to do so every time I offer it to her. She does have another tooth coming in so I know her gums are having a rough time but this biting thing needs to stop. Whenever I go to nurse her now I am hesitant with a finger ready to break her death grip of a bite. Any advice out there from you mother's who had/have babies who bite while nursing? I don't know what to do to discourage her because apparently my method isn't working. I'm so frustrated and I just wonder if maybe she is telling me she is ready to wean. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


Leslee said...

I don't have any good advice as I stopped nursing Summer about 12 months. She had actually bit we a couple times around then so that helped me in my decision to stop. I know some kids will think it is funny after they bite while nursing and that is probably a sign they are ready to be weaned. Hopefully somebody else will be more helpful!

Brittany said...

When Ashlynn was about 9 months and her top teeth came through she bit me and I gave her a flick on the cheek. It was the first and last time she bit me that hard. Worked with Zach too.

Anonymous said...

Norah just recently started doing this to me. Luckily she doesn't have her top teeth yet. It definitely hurts. I tried the cheek flick and it worked for about a week and then she didn't care if I did it to her after that. I called the pediatrician today and he said there was nothing I could do to make her stop. He said, it might be time to switch to just bottle feeding or formula. He said if I want deal with the pain until she gets her top tooth that is fine. But he definitely recommends once they have top teeth to stop because they can seriously injure you.

Michelle M said...

I flicked my kids on the cheek, too. It startled them, but they were quickly comforted with nursing. But I quit nursing both of my kids at 10 months. I didn't overly enjoy nursing; it was more of a chore for me. If you don't plan on nursing too much longer, then you could wean now. I weaned when it felt right with each of my kids.

Anonymous said...

I believe a firm voice signals to a child that you are displeased. I faked a cry whenever I was bit to show pain was caused. I would show my teeth and lightly put my teeth on my child's baby finger and bite down softly. It is part of role play and they can start to identify with mouth's can hurt. All mommy's have to decide if the pros outweigh the cons for both of you. Call a breastfeeding consultant in your area. Your pediatrician should be able to refer you to one. It's just a phone call away. Good luck, mamas