A couple of week's ago Liam's cranky personality did a 180. No longer is he the fussy baby who needs to be constantly held and rocked. Now he is perfectly content to lay on his play mat or swing in his swing. My back is very happy about the improved situation :-) He is most talkative and smiley during diaper changes. He will look up at me with the biggest grin and coo. He knows just how to melt my heart. He has had to fight through 2 colds already. One of which his cough was so deep and productive that he needed antibiotics. But he is such a tough little guy and bounced back fast. His cold threw off his great sleeping and for a while he was waking up every 2 hours. But last night he slept for 7 hours! I sure hope the sleep fairy visits us consistently. Oh sleep, how I miss thee. Here are some pictures of our little boy who is growing up so fast.
Real men can pull of the pink Bumbo Seat and still look macho. Turn's out we should have thought ahead and invested in a more neutral color. Whoops.
He is soo adorable.
goooo Liam! he is a sweetie. i LOVE him! thanks for letting me crash at your place so late the last couple nights. I LOVE it!
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