(Just FYI, I started this post a week ago, hence the introduction about it just being October. I'm glad the date at the top vouches for me, even though I am now finally posting it on the 8th, ha)
Is it really October? Holy cow, could September have flown by any quicker? I'm pretty sure that's a no. Life has been pretty busy in the Pollard household. Ever since we started house sitting in August we've had a lot more family in town. Apparently the size of our abode was a deterrent to family for years :-) J/k. It is wonderful having a place big enough to accommodate anyone who wants to pay us a visit. And if you're wondering why I'm using so many "big" words, it could be because I spend most of my day talking to a 10 month old and I just want to make sure my vocabulary still works :-)
Anyways.... back to what we've been up to. A couple of weeks ago Jake's sister Aubrey and her family had a time share in Park City. They stayed up there most of the week and came down to Provo to watch the BYU V.S. Florida State game with us. While they were here my mama was staying with us to get her Hannah fix before heading back to Paradise :-) It is a good thing they were all with us because without them it probably would have been marked as one of the worst nights ever. That game was ridiculous, it is the game all BYU football fans are trying hard to forget about. The following day Aubrey and her fam invited us up to Park City to spend some time with them. We had a blast. Park City is so incredibly gorgeous this time of year. The mountains look like they have been painted with red's, golds, and greens by some master artist. It is breathtaking. I had never been on the
Alpine Slides before and Jake was kind enough to watch the babies while the rest of us when down the slides.
Aub and her family had to head home early and offered us their timeshare for the last couple of days. How can anyone say no to that? So Jake took a day off from work and we stayed a couple of nights in Park City. It was so fun to just pack up and get a way for a little bit, even though we went only 45mins from home. Technically it was our first "vacation" with Hannah on our own. We did a lot of shopping at the outlets where all of us were able to find great deals on fall/winter clothes. (We timed that just perfectly because the temperature dropped 40 degrees the following day.) Did I mention that Hannah has grown out of most of her 12 month clothes? This little porker (and I mean that in the cutest most enduring way possible) is now wearing 18 month clothes, at 10 months. Hopefully she will fit into these clothes for a while. I LOVE to shop for her, so it has been fun to get a new wardrobe for her every couple of months....but it just isn't very economical :-)
Family picture. I know Jake's eyes are closed :-( But it's the only picture with the Alpine Slides in the background.

What can I say, my hubby can't open his eyes in the sun, but we still love him :-)

Jake with Hannah and our niece Katelyn.

Hannah snuggling Pooh Bear while rooting for Boise State. I know I know, her eyes are closed just like daddy. Like father like daughter.

I LOVE how it says Boise State on her cute bum.

Still BSU's #1 fan.