Our baby is growing up

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Our little boy is growing up....

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Our princess is growing up....

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Festivities

Friday night we went to the local mall for a mall-wide trick-or-treat event. It was a fun way to stay warm and get some candy :-) Hannah got the hang of trick-or-treating very fast. She would walk up to whoever had the candy, open her bag, and wait patiently to be given some candy. After they gave her candy she would close her bag, walk away, and say "bye". Haha. She cracks me up. One time there was a group of people sitting down checking out their candy loot and Hannah saw candy and thought "hey, that must be for me". So she walked over to them and opened her bag. Jake and I got to her before the kids felt obligated to share their sweets. So funny.

After the mall we went to a costume party that Jake's med school class put together. It was fun to see everyone and their creative costumes. And of course everyone loved Hannah and her princess costume. She is always quite the hit. I threw together last minute costumes for Jake and I. We went as a pregnant witch and an under-cover sheriff, I'll let you decide who was what :-)

Saturday night we had a ward Halloween Party. We ate soup in bread bowls, cup cakes, and did some more trick-or-treating. Halloween was a lot of fun!

Introducing Princess Hannah!

She kept saying how "priyee" she was. AKA pretty

This is the outfit Hannah wore to church today. Thanks Grandma Geri! She looked adorable!

Candid shot



Helena said...

Aww, I especially love the black pumpkin dress!

Michelle M said...

Her Halloween outfit is ADORABLE! What about a picture of you and Jake?

Jennifer said...

Makes me miss you guys! Yes, need pics of you and Jake!

Tesera said...

pumpkin dress = adorable!! she looks so old!!! =)

Kelli and Derek Hill said...

i love her princess dress. From past experiences i assume you must have been the one packing heat... so Jake went as a pregnant witch? that's just wrong. :)