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Thursday, January 6, 2011

36 Week's Pregnant

As of this past Saturday I am 36 week's pregnant. Just about 4 short week's left. I feel like my life has been set on fast-forward for the past 8 months. I can't believe how close we are to meeting the little guy that has been using my insides as a punching bag. I definitely have a lot to do before he is allowed to come out though. Lately I have been nesting like crazy. Organizing and cleaning things that have been on my to do list for months. But I'm starting to feel like at least the apartment is ready for his arrival.

Did you catch the apprehension in that last sentence? Yeah, me too. One thing that has made me more nervous about being ready for a newborn is the fact that we just found out Jake has a test week 2 day's after I'm due. Test week's are crazy. Jake is hardly home. And to throw a new baby on top of that makes me anxious. I know everything will work out. Especially since our mom's will be here to help. But I just hate to add more stress to Jake during that time. And I know how hard it will be on him to want to spend time with the baby but have to be at the library or taking another exam. Basically the timing is not the best but what can you do?

Thank's for letting me vent but besides that I'm feeling relatively great. I'm tired, which is understandable. I get heartburn every night but when I get up to use the little girl's room for the 2nd time in the middle of the night I just grab a Rolaid and I'm good as new. I've been getting a lot of Braxton Hick's contractions the past couple of week's. It seem's like they are coming more often than they did with Hannah but I'm assuming that is because I recognize them this time around. My hips and lower back ache like crazy when I am trying to get comfortable in bed at night. Supposedly it's a good thing because it mean's the ligaments are softening so that a big ol baby can fit through the birth canal. But whatev, it hurts. I told Jake the other night that I can't wait to feel comfortable when lying down again.

As for a name, we are still indecisive. Boy's names are tough!!!! We have a few we really like so hopefully when we see him one of the names will just click. At least that is what we are counting on.

And here is my growing baby mountain (no longer does it meet the classification of a bump) at 36 + Weeks


Jennifer said...

You look GREAT, Gretchen! Hang in there, you are almost done... I can't wait to see pictures of Baby Pollard.

Brittany said...

Wow, I can't believe you're almost due. You are glowing. Can't wait to see pics of him once he's here.

Anonymous said...

I remember posing in a raspberry colored maternity blouse about the same time with you. It takes me back. I was anticipating the birth of my one and only daughter. Thinking she was my last. A baby brother followed. Hannah is a blessing just as you have been to us. Advice. Continue to show tender mercies always as Hannah moves over slightly for your new addition, her baby brother. David and you remain close do to many tender mercies and the pure love of Christ that I felt and showed toward all my children. Mamas

Rach said...

Yay yay yay!!! Look at your belly! You're amazing. I'm sure I'll be asking for your advice one of these days...:-)